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Web Site Privacy Statement

DHJJ Financial Advisors wants you to be knowledgeable about your online experience and for your experience to be informative, safe, and secure. Below is the DHJJ Financial Advisors web privacy policy.

The confidentiality of information collected from your use of our web site is important to us. We want you to know that it will be used only for internal purposes; therefore, DHJJ Financial Advisors does not sell, trade, or share information about you to other entities unless otherwise stated on the web site or required by law to do so.


DHJJ Financial Advisors may periodically conduct online surveys as part of our website. Data collected from the surveys will be used only for internal purposes and not disclosed to third parties unless explicitly stated on the site.


Information collected about you on our online registration forms and questionnaires is used only for the purpose stated. The information will remain with DHJJ Financial Advisors protected by this privacy policy, and will not be shared, sold, or traded with any other entity unless otherwise stated on the web site or required by law to do so.


Cookies are online identification tags that allow us to recognize your computer each time you visit our site; however, they do not allow us to identify you by name, e-mail address, or other personal characteristics. This information is used only to evaluate use of our website. By gathering this information, we can better estimate how many people visit our site and how many of those individuals are return visitors.


The IP address is the number assigned to your computer whenever you access the Internet. Like the cookie, the IP address does not allow us to identify you by name, e-mail address, or other personal characteristics. The IP address is only used internally to help diagnose problems with our server, to administer our website, and to gather broad demographic information for evaluation purposes. Your ability to access our site has been optimized by our use of your IP address.


DHJJ Financial Advisors site may contain links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other web sites.


Parents should always be involved with their children’s activity on the web. Our website gives children the ability to contribute material to be posted on the web without prior parental consent; however, we have undertaken an effort to develop appropriate guidelines related to the posting of such material to protect your child. Even with our efforts to implement children’s guidelines, we encourage parents to participate with their children and monitor their usage whenever they are using the Internet.


If you have any questions about our site or comments about how we can improve it, you can always contact us at 630.420.1360.